No spots yet...
Been busy getting back into the joys of work...who am i kidding joys, I wish I could retire, shame that it's so difficult at 35 to actually do...ho hum.
Mrs.A has been working away for a couple of days, Nanny A was round to make sure agi Junior got to school on time etc.
I'm feeling quite ill on my new tablets; hot flushes, metalic tastes in my mouth, nausea (almost but not quite vomiting) fatigue, headache - I'm not sure if they are working yet; won't know that for another few weeks without Psoriasis. In the meantime it's fortnightly blood tests to make sure my kidneys and liver are not being damaged by the Cyclosporin. Off to see the Dermatologist again on Monday evening and will be looking to discuss what other treatments are still open to me including the newer expensive Biologic treatments.
but still relatively psoriasis free for the time being so I'll make the most of it :o)